Tuesday, February 14, 2012


  • God is omnipresent and therefore HE dwells in the hearts of all of us – Hindu Scriptures
  • "Everyone has Budhha’s nature" – Buddist Scriptures
  • "The Kingdome of Heaven is within you and whoever knoweth himself shall find" – Egyptian Text on Christ’s sayings
  • "Whichever direction you turn, there you will find countenance of Allah" – The Holy Quran
  • "We are closer to you than the even your jugular vein" – Allah
  • "Allah Malik" – Sri Shirdi Sai Baba

On this day, which reminds of pure love and exchange of love, it is pertinent to contemplate on the word - LOVE - itself. It is very important that everyone understands that only few things can describe this word very well- like Mother's love. A pure, undesiring and always wishing the well being of all without any parity. Love towards worldly matters can never be compared to this as this rises beyond all.

Everyone of us, in some form or other would have experienced at some point of time that kind of pure love. Spontaneously only one thought comes to our mind on such occassions - why can't this stay like this forever? 
We talk about Ananda Nilayam when it comes to Lord Venkateswara. We go miles and miles to have darshan and pray to him for happiness. However, before or after that visit, we will oblivious of the fact that the GOD is omnipresent. This leaves sour taste in many and so many times, we hear people saying all things about the security or the changes around, and never about the beauty of the LORD who is sitting pretty in the Sanctum Sanctorum, called ANANDA NILAYAM. Why so? Because, our Ananda Nilayam, our heart is filled with all worldly matters and our mind drags us to look at everything except the LORD. What a pity?

Sri Sai Master, who visited many Mahatmas, found this wonderful feeling with everyone. In all his books - which he penned on many - he mentions the beauty of their very presence. He says, all Mahatmas, are always in the thought of protecting the beings. They do not see any difference between beings. Many people, who met Sri Sai Master, always remember this great feeling that left an indelible mark on their minds. No one every saw Sai Master feeling dejected or wanting for worldly matters. He never sent back anyone empty handed. He had solution for every problem that came to his doorstep. He never allowed anyone in his family to think of next meal or how to live. He immersed himself deeply in Sri Shirdi Sai Baba and made sure everyone around him enjoy in that Ocean of LOVE.

On this day, when there is a talk of LOVE all around, it is very important for all of us to dwell more on this word and experience the real LOVE which is devoid of all worldly matters. The absolute LOVE that only self can realise, provided we have the zeal. 

May Sri Sai Master and Divyajanani Alivelu Mangamma bless us to strengthen our zeal to realise that pure love. Allah Malik!

Jai Sai Master !!