Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Cinema and Impact on future generations!!

Jai Sai Master!

It is not an understatement if it is said that cinema feeds many, particularys in southern states of India, be any wood. Cinema and its impact is hardly realised by people and even if it is understood, is worse than any other addiction as one can not shake off after tasting. Me either. However, how many of us really understand the level of impact it is having on our future generation?

We do see many kids dancing to the tunes, or parents encouraging the dances to the tunes. This starts at fairly young age, and instead of dreaming about reaching stars, they want to become stars in one of the "woods". If one poses the same question to any of the stars or their fans, they in turn tell us how much they are helping society by giving joy for few hours atleast. Irony is, instead if giving joy, they are making people frustrated or dejected or demotivating by showing them dreams which no one, even the stars in the movies, can achieve. When one of the politicians of old era asked everyone to dream for a vibrant India, he never asked us to borrow ideas from these woods, or the places which are literally dead. 

Cinema impacts every mind, more so with the kids. Their subconscious mind registers every single detail and as they grow-up, they try to dress-up like one of those heroes or heroines. They think talking against parents is a fad. Love or dressing up or fast bikes..all are influences from Cinema culture. Instead of using this media for promoting good values, we are pushing the current systems down. 

As parents, we can only give better time than showing few movies which help only in degrading Indian culture or teach loose moral values. We can do, as parents and friends, better things to help our generation become much stronger and healthier..

May we eradicate the virusless disease called CINEMA from our land and resurrect all "WOODS". 

Jai Sai Master!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Right Perspective....A Seminar

Jai Sai Master!

Perspective- a way of regarding situations, facts etc..and judging their relative importance or
                  - the proper or accurate point of view or the ability to see it; objectivity;
(from World English Dictionary of Collins)

This is a word which is used very commonly across by many. However, how many of us really use it after authoritatively in any way while using it ? Even when we say today's kids do not have a proper perspective of life, how many of us really mean it and how many of us have it ourselves, before commenting on today's generation?

Is it really important to have a right perspective in our lives? If so, regarding what? If not, then how do we live without any direction? Are we drifting in our every day life? Everyone of us in the current world, need to pose this question in all sincerity and try getting some answer to it - Do I have the right perspective on my life?

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Jai Sai Master!

We all live in this world, side-by-side, together and happily.. Though the last word is a bit doubtful in many cases. Yes. there are quite a few who can not afford to be happy due to various reasons. To help atleast few of them, there are few NGOs who try their best to work hard.

In every segment, there are people, good and bad. However, because of those defective few, we can not term all the human race to be bad. Similarly, there are few social service organisations, which are trying their level best to support the community at large, doing their bit in real sense. They are all inspired by few events in their personal life and that incident works like an elixir to continue their work tirelessly. I would like to introduce one such organisation, which for the last 10 to 12 years, is doing their bit and all because of persistence of one person, Mr Rajesh. That organisation is Bharati Memorial Foundation. This is a destitute home with quite a few inmates, trying to survive on a daily basis. I asked Mr Rajesh one day, how he is able to pull on and he smilingly said- "I do not bother about tomorrow".

He brings in road accident victims who are treated by hospitals and thrown out and no-where to go. We might tend to ask, "why does he do it?". Answer is simple: In a society, we are responsible for creating such a situation through various imbalances. My appeal to you all is, since we can not directly do any service for him, atleast try help him with cash or kind.

Mr Rajesh, never goes out of way to seek funds. It is his belief that help comes from some quarter. Yes, indeed, it keeps coming. However, there are always problems for it is a dynamic situation.

Please help the cause, a good cause, if you can.

For more information:

If you wish to donate:

Thank you and may you all live happily...