Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Dancing to the tunes of US recession ???

US is in recession...err..economy is sliding down and not yet in recession..err...there is a definite slowdown but no recession yet..err...err....Err is human and many humans are erring in their analysis. The time of Financial Analysts, big and small and smallest, has finally arrived.

Everyday, every news channel and paper talks about blood bath in stocks, and relates to US recession. One intelligent soul analyses how US recession is hitting us...badly. For the layman, like me, it is life as usual, with prices raising and pay checks not able to take care, with eye on many things like palatial house, maybach car and paraphernlia. It is not surprising for me that prices are raising now. They have been raising since I know and someone said, fuel prices have a direct impact on prices..some years back.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Man controlling God !!

We heard many stories on how God appears in various forms in human beings. When a man gets furious and kills, he is representing God of Death. When a human being donates to a deserving person, he is playing the role of God of sustenance. Like this in many forms.
But what do we call a person who dictates fundamental life cycle, threatening or ordering people from dying ? Interesting isn't it ?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Inflation, US Recession and Indian jobs

It is quite interesting to see how in India dollar is dancing to someones tunes which is quite reverse in the country where it was counted as the Power on hand. Probably the win against the mighty Australians is just symbolic to indicate the Elephant started jogging, albeit finally.

No doubt we spoiled Australians dream, thus denying more chances of looking down upon us in the cricket ring atleast. Runs from team, in particular, Sachin's willow will help silence some of the so-called critics from accepting that it is not always that Pawar depends on financial power, but ability of his boys to bring home the cups.