Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sai Baba- The Greatest Avatar

"If you look at me, I will look at you".

This looks like a general statement. However, when you see the same in Shirdi in Samadhi Mandir, it strikes you very hard. But one tends to forget the significance of the same when they come out of momentary bliss that they experience in samadhi mandir.

Couple of days back, when Babugaru was talking, he mentioned about this and said that the reason why Sai Master Said Sai Baba was avatar of this Yuga is because he understood the these words in the sense Baba used.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Setting personal goals

It is indeed a long time for me to visit blogs. Not my fault as there are too many things that attract us to work on, say linked in, Facebook and other stuff. Hence, when the writing becomes tweets, the blogs become boring. Not sure why technology kills itself. Or is it like Kekule's dream of snake eating its own tail?

Offlate, I was thinking (thought it is better time pass) about setting up personal goals in life. Atleast now. Then came the next question, because of I am open to them now, how to set them. Unless I understand the purpose, I am not if I can set the so called long and short term goals. Otherwise, people may say, I have no vision and mission in life....too many worrisome factors. Then I thought of using a short cut, and approach a guide to seek the best way to set my personal goals. The very question that the guide put me back made me re-approach it cautiously. The question was - "are you honest with yourself?". I forgot how to be so long time back, when I started thinking organisational goals are mine and started deceiving myself. How to be honest? To what extent to be honest? Then pat came answer from the guide that - honesty is measured full and not in percentages like voter swings or TV TRPs. Either I am 100% or none.