Saturday, December 15, 2012

Circle of life - a human's perspective and search for better!

Jai Sai Master!

Life goes on!

Life goes on without any hitch for everyone (or it seems), because we all learned how to maneuver around the "obstacles". We started "accepting"  the obstacles as noises in life, which we can not any way handle. Because of this, we live, mostly, to the diktats of others. Even though, we may say no to this, just by looking any one event in our daily life can show how dependent we are on others. Starting with the toothpaste we use, to the soap, to the food we make, for everything we depend on "outside" support. While the same was not the scene in our villages few years back, current "reforms" changed the total scenario and ensured the "bottom of the pyramid" is also impacted sufficiently to the "dependency syndrome".

There was a time, when the people took a twig of neem tree for cleaning the teeth, and home-made bath powder for bathing. Local khadi for the dresses and home-grown veggies for the food. But today, entire country is slowly getting in to the grip of "modernization ghost", which makes people so dependent that we are ever afraid of protesting any thing that is impacting us. Be fuel prices, or cap on LPG, we just do not bother. Infact, we brush aside the same and keep moving ahead. We have no idea, how a small change will impact every sphere of our life, putting pressure on us to ensure, we stay inside the fear-desire cycle. We do not think for a moment when we try to buy our clothes today. Anything less than 1000 rupees is cheap. But consider the so called bottom of the pyramid, who are getting pressed down further due to the weight all these pressures are putting. In the name of flat world, we opened up Indian shores too fast for those who are trying to push their products deeper in to the roots without bothering about the consequences. Example is GM food. While we talk about the eco-system on one side, we talk about genetically modified plants to ensure the eco system can not thrive for lack of food. What an irony? Who cares? 

Those who try to go against the tide are termed mad or the number is so miniscule, the voices are not cared for. As the reforms juggernaut keeps moving ahead, the scary thought that we are going to be controlled remotely by few powers-be crosses my mind, which made me wake-up to do what is necessary- work towards reduction of such dependency. Either by growing my own veggies in my back yard, looking for simplifying the needs that drive me towards a super-store, reducing the movement which require costly fuel etc.. While, I am not in a position to say, hurrah- I started, I definitely am happy to accept whole-heartedly the thought that we need to do something quickly. 

I am happy to share what I am feeling. How about you, while your life goes on?

Jai Sai Master!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Cinema and Impact on future generations!!

Jai Sai Master!

It is not an understatement if it is said that cinema feeds many, particularys in southern states of India, be any wood. Cinema and its impact is hardly realised by people and even if it is understood, is worse than any other addiction as one can not shake off after tasting. Me either. However, how many of us really understand the level of impact it is having on our future generation?

We do see many kids dancing to the tunes, or parents encouraging the dances to the tunes. This starts at fairly young age, and instead of dreaming about reaching stars, they want to become stars in one of the "woods". If one poses the same question to any of the stars or their fans, they in turn tell us how much they are helping society by giving joy for few hours atleast. Irony is, instead if giving joy, they are making people frustrated or dejected or demotivating by showing them dreams which no one, even the stars in the movies, can achieve. When one of the politicians of old era asked everyone to dream for a vibrant India, he never asked us to borrow ideas from these woods, or the places which are literally dead. 

Cinema impacts every mind, more so with the kids. Their subconscious mind registers every single detail and as they grow-up, they try to dress-up like one of those heroes or heroines. They think talking against parents is a fad. Love or dressing up or fast bikes..all are influences from Cinema culture. Instead of using this media for promoting good values, we are pushing the current systems down. 

As parents, we can only give better time than showing few movies which help only in degrading Indian culture or teach loose moral values. We can do, as parents and friends, better things to help our generation become much stronger and healthier..

May we eradicate the virusless disease called CINEMA from our land and resurrect all "WOODS". 

Jai Sai Master!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Right Perspective....A Seminar

Jai Sai Master!

Perspective- a way of regarding situations, facts etc..and judging their relative importance or
                  - the proper or accurate point of view or the ability to see it; objectivity;
(from World English Dictionary of Collins)

This is a word which is used very commonly across by many. However, how many of us really use it after authoritatively in any way while using it ? Even when we say today's kids do not have a proper perspective of life, how many of us really mean it and how many of us have it ourselves, before commenting on today's generation?

Is it really important to have a right perspective in our lives? If so, regarding what? If not, then how do we live without any direction? Are we drifting in our every day life? Everyone of us in the current world, need to pose this question in all sincerity and try getting some answer to it - Do I have the right perspective on my life?

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Jai Sai Master!

We all live in this world, side-by-side, together and happily.. Though the last word is a bit doubtful in many cases. Yes. there are quite a few who can not afford to be happy due to various reasons. To help atleast few of them, there are few NGOs who try their best to work hard.

In every segment, there are people, good and bad. However, because of those defective few, we can not term all the human race to be bad. Similarly, there are few social service organisations, which are trying their level best to support the community at large, doing their bit in real sense. They are all inspired by few events in their personal life and that incident works like an elixir to continue their work tirelessly. I would like to introduce one such organisation, which for the last 10 to 12 years, is doing their bit and all because of persistence of one person, Mr Rajesh. That organisation is Bharati Memorial Foundation. This is a destitute home with quite a few inmates, trying to survive on a daily basis. I asked Mr Rajesh one day, how he is able to pull on and he smilingly said- "I do not bother about tomorrow".

He brings in road accident victims who are treated by hospitals and thrown out and no-where to go. We might tend to ask, "why does he do it?". Answer is simple: In a society, we are responsible for creating such a situation through various imbalances. My appeal to you all is, since we can not directly do any service for him, atleast try help him with cash or kind.

Mr Rajesh, never goes out of way to seek funds. It is his belief that help comes from some quarter. Yes, indeed, it keeps coming. However, there are always problems for it is a dynamic situation.

Please help the cause, a good cause, if you can.

For more information:

If you wish to donate:

Thank you and may you all live happily...


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sri Rama Navami celebrations@ Sri Sai Master's home at Ongole !

Jai Sai Master!

Sri Rama Navami was celebrated by Sri Ananta Bharadwaja Gurukulam students at Sri Sai Master's house at Ongole on April 1, 2012.

The day, being a sunday, started with preparations for pooja and prior to pooja, Sri Dwarakanath, son of Sri Sai Master, explained the importance of festival and asked everyone to think of Sri Rama, the embodiment of dharma. Being an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, he underwent all situations like any other human being. Babugaru, Sri Dwarakanath, explained the importance of prasad that is prepared on Navami day, soaked moong dal and water sweetened with jaggery. They are called vada pappu and panakam in local language.

While people have many scientific reasons like as this festival is celebrated in hot weather, taking these will cool down the body heat etc.., the actual story behind why these are done on that day goes back to Ramayana time.

After explaining about the importance of the day and other things, Babugaru performed laghu pooja (small pooja) and distributed prasadam to all the kids and blessed all. It is sheer fortune that they could perform the pooja to Sri Sai Master on this day as He, like Sri Rama, always stood for the parama dharma, the highest order of dharma, all through HIS life.

May Sri Sai Master bless the kids with the strength and HIS presence always to enable them stand firm on the right path all through and become beacons of dharma.

Jai Sai Master !

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sri Manga Bharadwaja Trust Foundation day!

Jai Sai Master!

On this day, couple of years back, a Trust was formed, by the name Sri Manga Bharadwaja Trust, with an objective of sustaining and further spreading of Sri Sai Master's message - Seek the Truth, without believing blindly.

A big task indeed for the Trust. Though, the trust was officially formed with few on the paper, this is a trust "owned" by millions of Sri Sai Master's followers for everyone has a part to play to take the message to each and every corner of the globe. But what is that message that we need to spread? This forms the crux of the teachings of Divyajanani Sri Alivelu Mangamma, wife of Sri Sai Master, Smt Vedavathi Adidam, daughter of Sri Sai Master, Sri Ekkirala Dwarakanath Jnaneswar, son of Sri Sai Master. 

It is not only the teachings, but the acts that tell everyone what is a take-away for every family that comes in to contact with Sri Sai Master's family. While this may sound pompous to read, one needs to be around for sometime to understand the subtle changes that they bring in everyone. Even interacting with the people around currently staying and taking a look at the environs, will make one understand how those subtle changes are bringing in quality in the way of thinking or living life of those families.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


  • God is omnipresent and therefore HE dwells in the hearts of all of us – Hindu Scriptures
  • "Everyone has Budhha’s nature" – Buddist Scriptures
  • "The Kingdome of Heaven is within you and whoever knoweth himself shall find" – Egyptian Text on Christ’s sayings
  • "Whichever direction you turn, there you will find countenance of Allah" – The Holy Quran
  • "We are closer to you than the even your jugular vein" – Allah
  • "Allah Malik" – Sri Shirdi Sai Baba

On this day, which reminds of pure love and exchange of love, it is pertinent to contemplate on the word - LOVE - itself. It is very important that everyone understands that only few things can describe this word very well- like Mother's love. A pure, undesiring and always wishing the well being of all without any parity. Love towards worldly matters can never be compared to this as this rises beyond all.

Everyone of us, in some form or other would have experienced at some point of time that kind of pure love. Spontaneously only one thought comes to our mind on such occassions - why can't this stay like this forever? 
We talk about Ananda Nilayam when it comes to Lord Venkateswara. We go miles and miles to have darshan and pray to him for happiness. However, before or after that visit, we will oblivious of the fact that the GOD is omnipresent. This leaves sour taste in many and so many times, we hear people saying all things about the security or the changes around, and never about the beauty of the LORD who is sitting pretty in the Sanctum Sanctorum, called ANANDA NILAYAM. Why so? Because, our Ananda Nilayam, our heart is filled with all worldly matters and our mind drags us to look at everything except the LORD. What a pity?

Sri Sai Master, who visited many Mahatmas, found this wonderful feeling with everyone. In all his books - which he penned on many - he mentions the beauty of their very presence. He says, all Mahatmas, are always in the thought of protecting the beings. They do not see any difference between beings. Many people, who met Sri Sai Master, always remember this great feeling that left an indelible mark on their minds. No one every saw Sai Master feeling dejected or wanting for worldly matters. He never sent back anyone empty handed. He had solution for every problem that came to his doorstep. He never allowed anyone in his family to think of next meal or how to live. He immersed himself deeply in Sri Shirdi Sai Baba and made sure everyone around him enjoy in that Ocean of LOVE.

On this day, when there is a talk of LOVE all around, it is very important for all of us to dwell more on this word and experience the real LOVE which is devoid of all worldly matters. The absolute LOVE that only self can realise, provided we have the zeal. 

May Sri Sai Master and Divyajanani Alivelu Mangamma bless us to strengthen our zeal to realise that pure love. Allah Malik!

Jai Sai Master !!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Sri Shirdi Sai Baba - The Truth, The light and The path !

He is a perfect Guru and complete manifestation of Lord Dattatreya!

These are the great words spoken of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba! If one understands the real "meaning" of the above, they are sure to feel sorry for all those so called devotees who "follow" HIM as a GOD.

Everyday, a new temple is being added to the ever increasing list of temples to HIM in some corner of the world. However, when someone talks of these, they invariably say- "that temple is better than this temple", or "we follow correct procedure which is not being followed in other temple" - not withstanding the omnipresence of the Great Master. There are many who say they built or building HIS temples, but none to say, we are trying to follow HIS path sincerely. Why is this so? Is anyone really trying to understand what HE said or did in HIS life time? There are even stories, that too for children, where in they are trying to project HIM as just one more Hindu God, while all through HIS life, HE has been a symbol of no religion, no caste or creed.